Addiction Prayer…

Prayer is one of the most important things a Christian can do. Helping a friend or family member overcome addiction is too difficult to do alone, but God is the great healer.

When we feel a child is lost, slipping away, and have only a crack in the door to peek in on their lives… we can turn to the One in control to restore life. 

I’ll share a powerful prayer in a minute, but first let’s talk about the powerful works of our Lord with addiction and our powerful weapon with prayer…

“My Father is always at His work.” (John 5:17

Jesus feels our pain as it is His pain.

No pain is alike, we must all walk the journey and path that God has for our lives, yet God promises that there is a purpose in all pain.

 But his flesh upon him shall have pain, and his soul within him shall mourn.” ( Job 14:22 )

We can conclude from the miracles of Jesus that God accomplishes the impossible. Jesus came to do His Father’s work (John 6:38, 4:34), and told us that His Father is always at work. When we see our children spiral downward into a hole of bad decisions and strangling demons, know that a miracle-working God is watching the whole thing. Trust that He has their best interest in mind, and is more than capable of pulling them up and out. Place hope in His pursuit of them. No matter how well we’ve prepared our babies for battle, they still have to lift the armor over their shoulders and learn to draw the sword. 

Equip for the the battle …

We battle for our loved ones with prayer along with wisdom and guidance from God wrapped in unconditional love…

“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.” (Hebrews 13:1

By equipping our hearts with the capacity to love others, and ourselves, through seasons of addiction, we are allowing God’s tender hand to work. We are never ready to let go of our children, but we must daily remember our place. Trust Jesus to go after their hearts, call out their demons, and heal them miraculously. 

Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. The best way to resist the devil and fight temptation is through prayer. 

Hope in addiction…

Jesus loves addicts.

Regardless of how you feel about yourself or what “church people” may have implied about you, you are loved. Jesus loves you and He does so unconditionally. You don’t have to be clean or sober to experience Him.

There are a couple of strong verses about this truth in Mark 2:16-17:

But when the teachers of religious law who were Pharisees saw him eating with tax collectors and other sinners, they asked his disciples, “Why does he eat with such scum?”

When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”

If you find yourself at the end of your rope, if you’ve burned every bridge, if you have nowhere to go, Jesus will take you.

Jesus sets people free.

For a few people, one powerful encounter with Jesus Christ instantly delivers them from addiction. For most, relationship with Christ is the foundation and the power to move forward in the recovery process. Either way, Jesus Christ sets us free.

Jesus himself said it…

“I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin… If the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” (John 8:34, 36)

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me… He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19)

When you feel bound, oppressed, and captive,  when drugs or alcohol are all you’ve ever known, when you can’t imagine a life outside of addiction, know that Jesus came for You.

Jesus makes you new.

I hear this from testimonies over and over again: “I’m a completely different person than I was.”

God is a creator, a restorer, and a redeemer. He absolutely loves transforming old lives into something completely new. Paul affirms this in one of our favorite verses, 2 Corinthians 5:17…

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!“

Not only that, but Jesus continues to renew us with His love. We can look forward to daily renewal with him. Even in a vision of heaven (Revelation 21:4-5), the disciple John describes:

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”

Making things new is in His character, and He will do it for you.

I challenge you to take the first step on the road to recovery!

Proof Jesus saves addicts

Here’s a wonderful, spirit filled video below of a humbled man that overcome addiction after many years… giving HOPE in overcoming addiction with love and forgiveness for others….

I’m sure his mom and grandmother and others prayed for this man’s healing through Jesus Christ….

Hallelujah another one saved!…

Never give up HOPE for your loved one! You never know what miracle is around the corner for your loved one when they seek Jesus!

Fervent Prayer is what we can and must do for our loved ones…that’s our HEALING HOPE for them through Jesus Christ!

Keep on pressing forward to the Kingdom of God, calling out to the heavenly realm and never stop praying….

Prayer for Addiction….

Please join with me in prayer over those struggling with addictions

“Father, we praise You for miracles, and Your perfect timing to bring them into our lives. The winter is bitter cold … until suddenly, one warm day ushers in a thaw. Watching someone we love succumb to the grip of addiction wraps our hearts in an icy chill. Suddenly, we become closed to anything other than panic and reaction, worry and blame, solution and force. But, that is not Your way. 

Father, You love us in a perfect way, even in the middle of our mess. And in the middle of our children’s messes, You love them perfectly, too. Thank You for the evidence of Your miraculous power through Jesus’ life. He reminded us that He came to do Your work, and that You are always at Your work. That includes our children… their addictions… their demons… their mistakes… and their sicknesses. 

Thank You for loving our kids beyond our capacity. 

When we can’t see what’s happening in our children’s lives, we can rejoice because You hold them in Your hands. Their journey with You is as unique as they are. Thank You for the individual way Jesus comes after each unique human heart. 

Forgive us for falling into cycles of blame, remorse, regret, control, sadness, and anger. We confess that the first reaction we have is not always to equip our minds with Your truth and cry out to You in prayer, truly trusting that You hear us in those moments. Forgive us for putting too much pressure on ourselves as parents, or for any stray paths we led our children down.

Forgive us for wanting to shelter and bubble our precious babies.

Help us to remember that the lies of the enemy are so strong and his manipulation with a substance-influenced brain is beyond our human ability to speak reason into their minds when Satan and his demons are so convincing to them. Remind us that addiction can be healed. Place an army of Christian people qualified and educated specifically in this spiritual battle to help pull our children out of the grips of evil. Help us to seek Christian minded people, seek their counsel, and help our children to connect with them. Help us to have compassion on our children as they suffer, without enabling them to sink back into the dark hole. Surround us with a circle of qualified and godly people to guide us on how to help with battling addiction that’s destroying so many.

Father we pray specifically for our child’s well being- physical health, mental health, safety, shelter, employment, and dependence on You. Bless us with a released grip on control, send Your Spirit to strengthen us to surrender worry and control. God, You are bigger. You are in control. You are love. You sent Jesus down to earth and after our hearts… to call out the demons, heal people, and claim His Father’s children… leaving not one behind. Father, we pray, in the name of Jesus, Your perfect Son who died for Your will to be done, for miraculous healing in our children’s’ lives and freedom from the demon of addiction.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Friends, keep pressing forward to the Kingdom of God with prayer for your addicted loved one!

Know this …

Jesus loves addicts and He wants to save them from the stronghold of Satan over their lives.

***Please drop a comment below. Let me know who we can pray for that’s struggling with addiction? May God bless you and your family! May God give your wisdom and strength to help you and your loved ones battle the demonic grips of the enemy!

2 thoughts on “Addiction Prayer…”

    1. Hi! Thank you for your kind words. I so much appreciate you taking the time to read my blogs and sharing with your sister. Helping others is my entire purpose driving me to write. I have a passion for writing faith based, addiction recovery and I hope you continue to follow me and share my site with your friends and family.

      Blessing my friend in Christ!


      Cynthia Estes

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