Marijuana and Teens…

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Satan has hit the jackpot on this drug to lead your kids into the addiction journey. Not only is Satan in the know of what reels kids in but he has a way of keeping the truth from getting to parents. Like for instance, there hasn’t been a lot of research on marijuana and the teenage brain in the past. Satan is clever to hide the truth. However, because people are realizing the dangers, research is now picking up with the legalization of marijuana through out the United States. Researchers are now doing a battery of testing and MRI Scans to find that the age of when teens first start using marijuana determines their memory issues. They found– the younger teens start using around the age 14 & 15 the more memory complications later on as they mature, as well as marijuana is shown as being a gateway drug to other substance abuse. Let’s not let Satan win this battle to destroy our children!

Drugs are not new to us. But drugs are certainly scarier than they once were in my day and probably yours too.

Teen addictions have progressed since I was a teenager. There are so many more drugs Satan can use to tempt our children.

I remember in high school, back in the 70’s, the worst drug I heard of was marijuana and occasionally cocaine. In those times, pot smoking or snorting cocaine teens were thought of as “losers,” “bad” kids, “potheads,” or “crackheads.” Sad, but I’m speaking truth with those times. Maybe you remember those days?

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This picture depicts the hippie days of the 70’s of smoking weed and field drinking partying. We weren’t exposed to all the other drugs back then, at least, where I grew up in western Pennsylvania.

I’ll take those days back in a heartbeat. Although, I never got caught up in that crowd, I still tried marijuana but I got so sick doing it one time, I vowed never again. Besides, for the most part, our generation seemed to know their limits with partying. We also respected our parents with consequences and fear of getting caught.

Also, keep in mind, back then marijuana was not laced with poison like it is today…

Is trying to fit in or be “cool” worth it?

God’s feelings about drugs

I guess we didn’t respect God enough as teens, in those times, just like kids today have fallen short as well. Why in the world would we put something in our bodies to harm us?

God reminds us why…

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God doesn’t want us to misuse alcohol or other drugs because they distort our thinking. If we’re unable to think clearly, we’re unable to grow closer to God.

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. God instructs us to honor Him with our body.

Diving into my research…

Before I share more of my thoughts and research….I recommend watching this very short video on Marijuana and the Young Brain with Jodi Gilman, PhD, the director of neuroscience at the Center for Addiction Medicine. After watching the video, let me know your thoughts about it.

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Let’s first establish that marijuana doesn’t have the exact same negative effects as smoking cigarettes. However, most health experts still warn against smoking the drug. That’s because smoking marijuana can harm your lungs or worsen respiratory issues that already exist for you.

Even though cannabis rarely contains nicotine, marijuana smoke does contain harmful chemicals. These chemicals include:

  • airway irritants
  • tumor promoters, including carcinogens, which are cancer-causing substances
  • marijuana is often cut with opioids today that can be deadly

More Research on Marijuana…

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Research shows that smoking marijuana also causes visible and microscopic injury to the large airways. This is associated with an increased likelihood of developing chronic bronchitis.

Unfortunately for teenagers, marijuana use can have much more long-term effects. The teenage brain is not yet fully mature, with neurodevelopment continuing until at least the early or mid-20s. During adolescence the brain is particularly sensitive to drug exposure, and marijuana use impacts how connections are formed within the brain. Other effects on the developing brain include interference with neurotransmitters and abnormal brain shape and structure volume.

Studies have shown that the use of marijuana is associated with reduced cognitive function in teens. One study found that teens who regularly use marijuana lose an average of 5.8 IQ points by the time they reach adulthood. A recent study found that marijuana has a more negative impact on a teenager’s cognitive development than alcohol.

Jodi Gilman, PhD, is the director of neuroscience at the Center for Addiction Medicine. Her research examines how marijuana affects the teen brain. Her team’s research has shown that the level of memory decline from marijuana is dependent on the age at which a young person begins using. She notes that this is a matter of public health concern as marijuana use has been shown to affect learning and has been strongly linked to the development of psychotic disorder. Advances in Motion provides health care professionals with information about the latest breakthroughs, research and clinical advances from Massachusetts General Hospital.

Deadly Combination…

Marijuana is a recreational drug that can lead to addiction and serious health issues with long-term use. However, marijuana typically has a lower risk than many street drugs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is unlikely that a fatal overdose would be experienced with just marijuana. The CDC does warn, however, that harmful effects could still occur with marijuana use.

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But….what if your child gets marijuana that was unknowingly laced with a deadly drug???….

Did you know, Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, Cheap, potent and highly addictive, fentanyl is now a draw for drug dealers, who cut costs and increase profits by mixing it with marijuana, illegal narcotics, such as heroin, or selling it on its own.


Fentanyl, however, is a powerful opioid that is 100 times stronger than morphine. Thousands of people across the country die from fentanyl overdoses each year. Fentanyl can lead to slowed breathing which can be fatal if the breathing slows enough. Fentanyl is highly addictive and could be mixed with marijuana to make a particular dealer’s mix more addictive and provide a stronger high.

Fentanyl and Marijuana…

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Fentanyl mixed with marijuana is very dangerous for recreational marijuana users. This mix could turn a relatively safe street drug deadly and lead to an increase in overdoses and in addictions developing. While some suggest the incidence of fentanyl-laced marijuana is still thought to be relatively low, the talk on the street and news articles are showing fentanyl laced marijuana to be increasing drastically and people who are in areas where this mix has been found should be particularly careful if considering using marijuana. It remains to been seen if the combination is a new trend or if it is a localized incident.

Why would you chance it? Getting a higher high of course. Which can be deadly!

It’s Russian Roulette!

Bits and pieces of facts

Marijuana slang is common in pop-culture but vary all over the world. The terms used by smokers often vary by region, age group and market (medical/recreational).  Marijuana slang is not used as a way to increase secrecy, but is more commonly used as a way to integrate community into rituals and norms of a groups while using Marijuana together.

Regardless of what our kids call marijuana there are more important issues about it to discuss.

The truth is that early marijuana use can increase the likelihood of later addictions.  Teens who use marijuana run a greater risk of depression.  One out of every 10 marijuana users will experience severe effects such as anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations.  No one can say who will be in the 10 percent.

Even a little marijuana may change teen brain, according to this study.

Did you know, marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in America (behind alcohol and tobacco?)

Marijuana comes in three main forms: Herbal, Hash/hashish and hash oil. How many of you know of the gummies and other foods made with marijuana?

One of the researchers in Australia who investigated the outcomes for teens who decide to smoke marijuana said use of cannabis can negatively affect teens for years.

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Another article talks about the colleges becoming more pot smokers than drinkers...which is the lesser evil? Both are the same in my book if you’re dabbling with drugs or alcohol.

Facts on THC…

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For now, I’ll stick to research on the affects of marijuana with the harmful ingredient- THC

The level of THC ranges in each form of Marijuana. With higher levels of THC, the potency of Marijuana increases. Marijuana has increased in overall potency in the last 20 years. Some estimates report that THC content has increased between 7-20 times since the 1970’s.

THC binds with the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors in the brain. It produces a high or sense of euphoria. THC blocks the process of learning and memory and slows, or stops, adolescent brain development.

THC is the substance that’s primarily responsible for the effects of marijuana on a person’s mental state. 

THC causes temporary side effects, such as: increased heart rate, coordination problems, dry mouth, red eyes, slower reaction times, memory loss, and anxiety.

Smoking Marijuana…

Marijuana is inhaled or ingested in many ways….Smoking is the most common way people use marijuana. People smoke joints (homemade marijuana cigarettes), blunts (hollowed-out cigars filled with marijuana), bongs (usually glass water pipes), bubblers (mini-bongs the size of a pipe), hookahs and vaping.

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So…after reading this so far, are you convinced marijuana is not safe for our kids? it’s very apparent from my research that teens smoking marijuana is harmful and can lead them to further addictions into street drugs.

I know, some will still argue marijuana is not a gateway to other drugs …I disagree, based on my research, marijuana can be a gateway to drugs.

What are your thoughts?

Before you answer….I recommend reading this brochure on Vaping and Marijuana Concentrates put out by the Drug Enforcement Administration And take a look at this brochure on Vaping: The NEW Gateway.….These will give you some eye opening information.

Marijuana as a Gateway…

let me share my findings on marijuana as a gateway drug…

A gateway substance is habit-forming, causing users to develop other dangerous habits, such as alcohol or hard drug abuse. Many teens may start experimenting with marijuana or nicotine before transitioning to illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine.

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This article will focus on cannabis use among adolescents can act as a gateway to harder drugs such as opioids. For instance, one study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics documents findings from one analysis that adolescents who use cannabis are 104 times more likely to use cocaine than adolescents who never use cannabis.

More research suggests that marijuana use is likely to precede use of other licit and illicit substances and the development of addiction to other substances.

Another article suggests most people in the US, especially teenagers, hardly develop substance use disorders by experimenting with hard substances like street heroin or cocaine. Ordinarily, they start with marijuana and nicotine. Likewise, addictions to nicotine often begin with e-cigs. Vape pens serve as a getaway for the abuse of hard drugs.

People who are addicted to marijuana are three times more likely to be addicted to heroin.

My son, Chris, a recovering addict I talk about in my blogs started out smoking marijuana at the age of 15 then progressed to pills and eventually heroin. So, I know first-hand marijuana can be a gateway drug. My son agrees.

According to the NY Times, establishing marijuana as a third legal drug, along with tobacco and alcohol, will increase drug abuse, including the expanding opioid epidemic.

The more and more I researched it became clear what my gut was telling me- that marijuana can be a gateway drug.

If your child is dabbling with marijuana I urge you to get help for them. Don’t learn the hard way.

Take the right step and seek early treatment from a professional. Marijuana can be a gateway to other drugs, but Residential Therapy or rehab programs can correct your child’s behavior for better overall health. 

Don’t let you child get sucked into the addiction path with marijuana and progressing to hard drugs. It can happen!

Satan is just waiting to steal, kill and destroy our children.!

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John 10:10–The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Satan wants our children’s hearts. He wants to mess with their minds, deter their dreams, and take their hopes hostage. 

As praying parents, you and I can deter the enemy’s influence on our children, especially when we are aware of Satan’s strategies. 

So that you and I can know how to stand firm, guide and pray fervently for our children.

My Conclusion…

In my strong opinion, witness to the truth and after researching, smoking or ingesting marijuana is a gateway drug to other harder drugs. Drugs that take you down the path of potentially life long addiction.

Why allow your child to get addicted to something that can cause you a lifetime of painful addiction?

Take action today to protect your children!

Please do your own research…and ask yourself this question…

Could there be anything good for my child to come out of marijuana? Do you feel these are a gateway to street drugs like I do? Maybe you disagree. But why chance it? Please let me know your thoughts.

I would love to know your thoughts. Please share your thoughts about this blog on marijuana.

3 thoughts on “Marijuana and Teens…”

    1. Hi! Thank you for your kind words. I so much appreciate you taking the time to read my blogs and sharing with your sister. Helping others is my entire purpose driving me to write. I have a passion for writing faith based, addiction recovery and I hope you continue to follow me and share my site with your friends and family.

      Blessing my friend in Christ!


      Cynthia Estes

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