The Lord’s Healing Power

Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s (Psalm 103:2-5)

Have you ever asked God to heal you from something? Or, have you seen a friend or family member suffering from addiction or an illness and asked God to miraculously heal them?

There are many instances in Scripture where the Lord miraculously healed people. However, some people don’t think God heals people like that anymore.  Let me be clear. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that God doesn’t still heal people, because He does! Healing is part of His character. He may choose to heal miraculously, or He may choose to heal through medicine. He may choose to give a doctor wisdom and insight to diagnose a situation that could be cured. He may want you to seek in him in a Christian faith based program to fill that empty void in your soul with addiction.

Healing and Miracles…

Regardless of the method, God is the one who does the healing. Another thing to remember about God’s healing work is that He does so in His way and in His time. Often, we believe the lie that our time table is the best time table, and that we know when something should happen better than anyone. Part of being a child of God is trusting the Father’s timing. While we can only see the present and the past, He can see all of time, including the future. Therefore, He knows the best time to heal someone.  If you are praying for healing right now, whether for yourself or for someone else; trust that God is most definitely capable of healing them. He will do so in His own way and in His own timing, whether it is on earth or in heaven.

Why Doesn’t God Just Simply Give Us A Miracle?

You might have wondered about this or maybe you’ve never even thought of asking. Nevertheless, the answer to this question will prove to be the foundation of these future bible study lessons on healing.

Let me first explain the difference between healing and miracles because all things are possible with God!

Is there a difference at all?

  • A Miracle speaks of an instantaneous and complete healing that goes beyond any law of physics, and beyond any human ability.
  • Healing, however, is a gradual process which means that the individual becomes completely whole over a longer time period.

Let’s use the many instances in the bible when the blind received their sight. By these we can find examples of bible healing and an example of a miracle. I have extracted three cases below.

The blind can help us explain the difference between healing and miracles

Jesus helped a whole lot of blind people during his life time.

  • Mark 10:51-52: Blind man received sight instantaneously just by the words of Jesus
  • John 9:6-7: Jesus spat on the ground, made clay of the spittle anointed the eyes of the blind, and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam
  • Mark 8:22 – 25: Jesus, takes the blind man away from the crowd, he spat on his eyes, put his hands upon him ( the blind man saw men like trees ), then he put his hand on his eyes again ( saw men like men)

After reading these three scriptures you may wonder ‘Why didn’t Jesus just give each of these men a miracle (which is instantaneous)?

Was the scripture trying to say that he could not do that? We all know that he could anything if he wanted to, so

Why go to all the length to …

  • spit on the ground and use clay….
  • carry the blind right out of the city and praying for him – twice …

Why would Jesus do all this?

…. unless he was trying to teach, by example?

Remember, Jesus was also a teacher, and apart from the multitude of people, he was always followed by his 12 disciples who watched him very closely.

So Jesus was teaching us by example three powerful things:

Example #1 ( Mark 10:51-52) Teaches Us That:

  •  In some sicknesses, persons can/will receive instantaneous  miracles

Example #2 ( John 9:6-7) Teaches Us That:

  • In other sicknesses, the person may administer prayer along with using other material or external aids. ( remember the clay?)
  • There are sicknesses that will require some form of action on the behalf of the sick: (Remember that he said the blind man to the pool of Siloam to wash. Do you think that he would have received his sight if he chose not to go?)

Example #3 (Mark 8:22 – 25) Teaches Us That:

  • There are other persons that will receive their total deliverance through the gradual process of healing, before every symptom can be expelled from their bodies.

Jesus himself has shown us the difference between healing and miracles. We can receive our deliverance in more ways than just one. He uses many different methods to bring complete healing in the lives of his people.

Trust God’s plan…

We must trust God and accept His will on healing or performing miracles on us or those we love. We are not obligated to understanding but we always put our trust in our Lord’s plan.

?????? What have you witnesses as a healing or miracle in your life or the life of someone you know?

2 thoughts on “The Lord’s Healing Power”

    1. Hi! Thank you for your kind words. I so much appreciate you taking the time to read my blogs and sharing with your sister. Helping others is my entire purpose driving me to write. I have a passion for writing faith based, addiction recovery and I hope you continue to follow me and share my site with your friends and family.

      Blessing my friend in Christ!


      Cynthia Estes

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