My Story: Drug Behavior & Poor Choices Escalate—Conflict Arises Between Man-Made Laws Versus God’s Word…

This nightmare of addiction and poor choices with my son seemed so surreal and increased rapidly once he moved out of his father’s house and in with his “friend” and family. I was faced with the reality of the legal laws and feeling compelled as a Christian to follow God and what He says about matters between parents and children.

It’s extremely upsetting to have no choice but to accept man made laws when you know your child is at risk for failure.

Have you ever experienced frustration between being forced to follow legal rules but having belief in what God says?

If not, see how you feel after I tell you this story if you haven’t experienced this yet…
While Chris was living with this “friend” and his family he began skipping school (his last year of high school.)

It became obvious he was dabbling more and more with his drug choices…

He began avoiding our family at all costs making it obvious he was using because of his sneaky behavior.

I know I don’t have to explain why I felt that way since we parents have God given intuition.

I felt helpless and distraught trying to handle this heartbreaking situation in my own flesh.

Keep in mind, I was not strong enough in my faith at this point to lean on God for my needs.

So, I decided the principal at the school could help me…

I frantically called and complained to the principal at his high school about my son’s living situation and my upset about those parents enabling him by allowing him to live there, continue to make poor choices like skipping school, smoking and doing drugs there as well.

The principal sympathized with me but told me I was unable to do anything legally about him skipping school because he was 17 and no longer in my household.

The principal warned me he eventually could fail for missing too much school.

Talk about being frustrated, angry, and scared for my son’s future!

What ever happened to truant officers knocking on your door when you didn’t show up for school?

My hands were legally tied…

I was told (at that time) I had no legal rights to force my child to take a drug test since at age 14 or older they must consent to taking a drug test.

I would advise you to check with your current state laws on this, so you aren’t blindsided like I was when it comes to drug testing your child.

Legally in Pennsylvania, any child could also leave home and drop out of school at the age of 17 without the consent of the child’s parents…

Talk about being stripped of any legal parental rights with your child yet you’re liable for a child if they get into trouble up to the age of 18.

It’s ludicrous!

But God says parents supersede their kids …

The Bible teaches us that parents have rights over their children. If “children’s” rights being legally protected sound good, the reality can be disastrous. If “children’s rights” include the right to not be instructed or disciplined, then disgrace and dishonor are around the bend…

So why should a 14-year-old child have legal rights when a parent is trying to correct their wrongdoing before things get worse? Or, why doesn’t a parent have rights to protect their child’s future or protect them from drug use that could cause bodily injury, or worse death?

Don’t you feel if a child is doing something sinful or harmful, they need correction and guidance from caring parents looking out for their best interest? I do.

God requires children to obey parents and we as parents must require our children to obey us in the Lord.

Colossians 3:20 –Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.

This is also difficult to accept these laws for children’s rights knowing God holds the parent responsible for teaching their children.

Why are there laws that seem to enable our kids to make bad choices?

So why aren’t we parents allowed to make decisions with drug testing or dropping out of school that affects our children’s wellbeing…

Shouldn’t a drug test be viewed as protecting or disciplining our God given child?

Shouldn’t we have rights over our children wanting to drop out of school since this is harmful for his future success?

Besides, God gave children to moms and dads, not the government, regardless of how well-intentioned the court system may be.

I feel these laws on drug testing consent for children enable our youth to continue to use drugs, make bad choices, and allows our children to disrespect us parents which will lead to disrespecting others.

Proverbs 29:17— Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul.

God commands our children to honor their father and mother:

Exodus 20:12—” Honor your father and your mother, so that may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”

Sadly, we are sometimes “forced” to comply with man-made laws and compromise God’s laws…

This is not right from my Christian point of view.

The Bible does not seem to support any such legislation and instead counsels moms and dads to take their parental responsibility seriously, as God holds them accountable for their children’s well-being.

How frustrating for us Christians to be forced to comply with these ridiculous legal rights kids have that enable self-destructive ways! So, knowing this how do you feel about man made laws versus God’s teachings?

So, of course, as you may have guessed, the man-made laws created more problems to come for my son and our family …

Have you ever been faced to do the right thing under man made laws but deep in you know it isn’t right?

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